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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Benefits Of Alkaline Water

Restores the pH balance in the body

  • Alkaline water (also referred to as ionized water) can neutralize the acidity of the body caused by stress, modern diet, air pollution, and many bottled waters.
  • A higher pH in the body reduces the need for fat and cholesterol to protect the body from damaging acids.
  • Alkaline water is negatively charged and an "antioxidant." Antioxidants reduce cellular and DNA damage caused by free radicals.
  • Negatively charged alkaline water creates energy by giving up ions to positive ions.
  • Alkaline water tastes lighter with a pleasantly sweet flavor.
  • Improves the body's absorption of essential nutrients
  • Improves body function by cleaning your cells from the inside out.
  • Using water with a higher pH level improves the taste of beverages and food.
  • Improves your immune system function to help you fight diseases.
  • Cooking with alkaline water improves the taste and quality of foods and using acidic
    water when boiling eggs improves their quality.

Provides superior hydration and nutrition at the cellular level.

  • Ionization breaks clusters of water molecules into smaller micro-clusters, reducing the size of the clusters from the 11-16 molecules in standard water to just 5-6 molecules in ionized water. Smaller clusters pass through cell walls more easily and hydrate the cells more quickly.
  • Faster hydration allows the body to regulate its temperature more efficiently.
  • Micro-clusters of mineral-bearing ionized water also deliver nutrients more efficiently to the cells

Detoxifies cells more efficiently than standard drinking water.

  • Due to their smaller size, micro-clusters of ionized water molecules are expelled from the cells more efficiently, carrying damaging toxins out of the cells and flushing them out of the system.
  • The negative charge of ionized alkaline water will attract the positive ions of acids and neutralize them within the body.

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