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Friday, January 28, 2011

The Ideal Water Filtration System

The Ideal Water Filtration System

Scientifically Tested & Proven to Provide Safe & Healthy Drinking Water

The Waterniser ingenious ability to purify, ionize, alkalize, vitalize and transform our ordinary tap water instantly into ultra healthy drinking water free of harmful contaminants without using electricity is the most cost effective, innovative and revolutionary water filtration system ever launched into the consumer market.
Purify - Laboratory Tested and Proven!

Eliminates more than >99.99% of harmful bacteria - such as E. Coli, waterborne parasites, and other undetected micro-organisms or viruses.

Removes chlorine and its toxic by-products like trihalomethane (THM), haloacetic acids and other dissolved organic halogens which are carcinogenic.

Disinfects hazardous chemicals and toxins - such as pesticides and herbicides. Removes unwanted heavy metals, rusts and other sedimentary contaminants and pollutants.

The Waterniser filtration system is designed to PURIFY drinking water by eliminating all the common unhealthy impurities and bacterial problems by plaguing our tap water from pipes and other similar sources.

Other conventional systems merely prevent them from passing through, and will remain a constant threat inside the filtration unit. There is no such risk in the Waterniser!
Alkalize - Helps to Prevent Chronic Illness

Balance Your Body Alkalinity pH Environment and to Counter Acidosis!
Low pH = High Acidosis = Lower Oxygen = More Calcium Loss

Instantly alkalize the water and provide an abundance of mineral ions and hydroxyl ions (OH-) which are oxygen molecules constantly required by the human body.

Alkaline water helps to balance the alkalinity pH environment of the body, its blood and fluids to help prevent acidosis and eradicate damaging free radicals.

All the trillions of cells in our bodies are alkaline in nature from birth. In their cellular functions and activities, however, they produce and accumulate a huge amount of Acidic Wastes which over burden the body. This condition is commonly known as Acidosis.

Acidosis leads to many degenerative diseases and chronic illnesses such as cancer, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, gastric-ulcers, arthritis, osteoporosis, disorders of the kidney and liver, obesity, stress, anorexia, chronic fatigue, migraines, asthma and skin disorders.

The most crucial role of alkaline water is to neutralize its accumulation and effectively flush out the acidic waste.

The Waterniser filtration system is designed to provide the right properties to nourish our health and correct the alkalinity pH environment within our body system. In comparison, current filtration systems having such features require electricity with twin chambers - one each for collecting acidic and alkaline water. they are cumbersome and relatively expensive.
Ionize - Power Anti-Oxidant & Anti-Disease Properties

Counters Damaging Free Radicals and helps to Combat Decay and Aging Process!

Instantly ionizes the water without the need for electricity. Provides powerful Anti-Oxidant values, Quantum Hydrating properties, and a reservoir of free electrons to donate to the scavenging free radicals, and thus prevent them from damaging normal healthy cells.

Quality water filtered out by the Waterniser easily ranges between +/-100mV depending on the flow rate. This means it has strong potential for reducing oxidation in the body. Normal tap water has a value of +200mV to 300mV Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) or Redox Potential. However they have no potential to prevent oxidation in the body.

Oxidation means to decay or age. When things oxidize, ORP rises. Our body's ORP increases as we get older because all the cells are oxidizing. Unfavourable values cause excessive corrosion and premature aging.

In the human body, oxidation is caused by free radicals which are oxygen
molecules that have lost an electron. They become very unstable and highly reactive as they seek to ‘steal’ the needed electron to gain stability.

Free radicals tend to attack the nearest stable molecule and in the process caused cellular damage. When the ‘attacked’ molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself.

When the cells divide and multiply, all of them carried mutated structure which no longer has the ability to perform its functions. This chain reaction is the root cause of many health problems and the aging process.

The Waterniser filtration system is designed to nurture your health by providing powerful anti-oxidant and anti-disease properties that can be quickly absorbed into the body to aid its biological terrains and to boost the bodily systems to function efficiently.
Mineralize & Vitalize - Ideal Solution for Your Health

Loader with Essential Minerals & Infused with Quantum Energies
Minerals and Health are Inextricably linked

The Waterniser enhances the water by loading it with all the essential alkaline minerals which are all in ionized state that can be readily absorbed by the cells. Minerals are nutrients that are necessary for the structure and function of cells, and are parts of the body’s biochemical built up and physiological processes.

Minerals act as essential catalyst and assimilators to produce vitamins, enzymes and amino acids within the body. Minerals play an instrumental role in the hormone production, cellular nutrients’ transfer, biotransmission of nerve impulses, and maintenance of the water-acid base of the body.

The accumulation of acid wastes correspondingly increases the leaching of calcium, magnesium and potassium from our bones. In the state of acidosis our bodies simply lack oxygen and available minerals. Mineral deficiencies have been linked to more than 200 types of degenerative diseases and chronic health problems. Hence, the human body must constantly replenish their mineral supply through food and fluids.

Healthy water needs a diversity of minerals in order to keep the water healthy, and nurture the human body through their chemical and electrical composition. The Waterniser also revitalizes the quality of the water by infusing quantum energy and life enhancing frequencies into its molecular structure. This will optimize its hydrating properties, and provide a rejuvenating and healing effect within the body.

The Waterniser filtration system is designed to optimize your health by
providing the right mixture of essential ionized minerals and quantum properties to nurture the health of the human body. It is indeed designed to provide all the solutions you need flowing from one system.

For enquiry, please email to

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